About Dr. Timothy Lin
Dr. Timothy Lin was born into a Christian family in Zhejiang, China in 1911 and rested in the Lord in 2009 in Los Angeles. He came to know the Lord when he was nineteen. He served as a pastor in Shanghai after he completed his college education and seminary training. During the Japanese invasion of China, he has served as the President of the Alliance Bible School in Guangxi, as the headmaster of Bethel High School in Shanghai. and as the director of an orphanage. After that, he attended Faith Seminary and later studied Hebrew and its cognate languages in the Dropsie University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he received his Doctor degree in 1954 under the supervision of Professor Cyrus H. Gordon. The thesis title was Egyptian and its Hebraic Affinities. Following that, he taught theology at Bob Jones University and Trinity Divinity School. He was passing through Los Angeles on his way to Indonesia in the 1960s (he planned to teach theology there).but political changes in Indonesia did not allow him to proceed. So, in 1961 he became the pastor of the First Chinese Baptist Church of Los Angeles (FCBC,LA]. Meanwhile he taught at the Talbot Theological Seminary. From 1980 to 1990, he became the second president of the China Evangelical Seminary (CES) in Taiwan after James Taylor. After ten years in Taiwan, he returned to FCBC, LA. In 1994, he became Pastor Emeritus of the FCBC, LA. He frequently preached in FCBC and in other Chinese churches in LA and taught Mandarin classes of the Sunday school regularly until he rested in the Lord.